Best Training for laptop and mobile maintenance in Nepal - XYZ Tech Gyan

Best Training for laptop and mobile maintenance in Nepal

Training for laptop and mobile maintenance in Nepal
(Image credit- wekipedia )Best Training for laptop and mobile maintenance in Nepal

Conducting excellent training for laptop and mobile maintenance in Nepal

Kathmandu's 'Guru Institute of Engineering' is conducting laptop and mobile repair training targeting youths who want to become employed in the country.

 The successful organization is conducting continuous training to provide employment to many youths by providing vocational training to the unemployed youth. This institute has also been selected as one of the best training institutes in Nepal. Guru is providing training to the students who are deprived of higher education and have low income sources, said Padma Raj Awasthi, founder of Guru Engineering. He said that some of the trained youths are also running their own businesses. "Our main campaign is to produce skilled manpower and end unemployment," he said, adding that Awasthi Guru is trying to extend his services across the country. Told.

 The Guru Institute of Engineering, established with the slogan of 'Education, Skills and Employment', aims to provide quality training to the youth keeping in view the shortage of technical and skilled manpower in the country. The organization has been providing maintenance training of mobiles, laptops, computers, televisions, printers, CCTVs as well as training on various issues related to hardware and software with the assurance of employment. The Guru Institute of Engineering has been providing additional practical training to the students who have been deprived of higher education and those who have gone abroad for foreign employment. This organization has been providing training in brand new technology by skilled trainers in every subject. It has been providing skilled manpower trained in various reputed companies and also helping those who want to become self-employed and run their own business.

 Stating that the future of such technical and maintenance business, which can earn a lot from small investment, is getting better day by day, Awasthi said that training has been arranged for the poor and earthquake victims at special facilities. Apart from producing and supplying skilled manpower, Guru Institute of Engineering has now set up more than 25 repair centers for repairing computers, mobiles and laptops in different districts of the country and is also creating employment at the local level. The Guru Institute of Engineering has said that detailed information can be obtained by visiting its website or by contacting 4482357.

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mobile repairing job in Nepal.
Laptop repairing job in Nepal.
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