How technology can be used in education? Best tools for online classes in nepal

  How technology can be used in education

Online Classes in nepal

 Tools for online education

 The Corona virus epidemic, which has forced the world to move in a different and new direction, has become the talk of the world so far.  With lockdowns, social distance and the need to be confined to one's own place, the access of technology to the digital world allows users living in one corner of the globe to communicate online, video conferencing, ordering food online, online banking and online.  The class began to operate.

 It was found that the educational institutions were adopting it in a modified form by giving different names like online class, online education etc.  On the whole, online education was supposed to be run only yesterday, but due to compulsion, it was given priority only now.

 Classes can be conducted from a browser or any related system through software such as Google Classroom, Microsoft Education, Moodle, etc.

 Only a handful of selected educational institutions were using online education.  Remember, schools, colleges and various educational institutions have been using software for years, but online education was not given much priority.

 There is a big difference between online classes and video conferencing.  Video conferencing classes from Zoom, Skype, Google Meet or any other medium are not really online classes.  It's just a video conference.  Creating a course in an online class, grading, giving marks, adjusting the student to the class, including the student's parents, can clearly see what the student is achieving in that class.

 Classes can be conducted from a browser or any related system through software such as Google Classroom, Microsoft Education, Moodle, etc.  Proper use of technology also helps in facing future challenges.  The problem now is only the online class but in the future there may be various problems like data storage, security, big data management etc.

 Since information technology and technology will be used in a pioneering manner in every field, every organizations, be it a school, college or any other organization, can use such technology properly when it is under the supervision of a knowledgeable and knowledgeable IT consultant.  There are various free software available and must buy.  Which can be used for free as per requirement and by paying some monthly or annual amount.

 One is technology and the other is its use.  If we continue to use technology, we will definitely develop.  Software is an application programmed to simplify any complex thing without any complicated thing.

 Only with the knowledge of such different types of technology can the solution be found in the present situation and in the future problems.  Otherwise, if video conferencing is to be considered as an online class only today, then all the things of the online class that need to be known and learned today have to be learned only in the future, which has to be used today.

 Nowadays technology is used almost everywhere.  Computers have made many things easier.  Long ago, when we only reached 8/9/10 class, computer subjects were taught in computer classes from a young age.  There are two sides to development and expansion.  One is technology and the other is its use.  If we continue to use technology, we will definitely develop.  Software is an application programmed to simplify any complex thing without any complicated thing.  Software can be defined in 3 different ways.

Technology used on education

 One is desktop software, another is web based software and another is mobile app based software.  It should be used in a way that is easy to operate according to your needs.  Technology must also be used in education, which makes it easier to manage educational institutions.

 some tips to help you get started online education:

 Website: All the information of the educational institution, such as information of the institution, address photos, location map, statement of the principal, details of pass out students and occasional notices, results can be placed on the news website.  The activities and information of the organization can be presented in audio visual way.

 Online Classes: The process of viewing everything digitally and keeping a brief description of the activities through online courses, classes, presentations, note making, communication between teachers and students, etc. is called online class.  From grading, to class schedules, to calendars, to informing everyone at once.  Video conferencing also falls into this category.

 Newsletter: By emailing the parents and students of the educational institution together, the internal information of the institution can be easily sent by email.  There are different ways to send a newsletter, which tells you who viewed the email, where you viewed it from, which link you clicked on and which you didn't.  MailChimp, MailJet, etc. are examples of this.

 Bulk SM: Bulk SM is the process of assuming multiple people at once.  Such messages can be sent online.  Such SMS can be done with 5 digit number or any sender ID.  Nowadays, it is very effective as it can deliver any information quickly.

 Software: Information about students in schools / colleges, details about fees, payrolls, accounts, hostel, transportation, admission, attendance, all the details can be kept in the software.  So that the oldest data can be seen and any details can be easily found in a moment.  If you look at the monthly income details, you can see what has been spent on what.

 Social Media: Educational institutions can show their information, photos, information of any events on social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Slide Share Scribd, their information, useful topics to students and others, which will enhance the image of the organization.

 Surveillance system: When educational institutions monitor various places like classrooms, playgrounds, offices, etc. directly through CCTV cameras, what is happening in which places can be seen through live broadcast.

 Call Jammer: Students in educational institutions may be wasting important time using mobile phones.  A call jammer or cell phone jammer device can be placed to control this.  Which blocks mobile phone networks, it only blocks the GSM signal but does not affect landline phones.

 E-Library - The concept of e-library has been around for a long time.  This makes the student's reading much easier.  Once a printed book is read by one student and not read by another student, a single book in the e-library can be accessed by up to 100 students, with no difficulty in copying, downloading or even printing.

 E-Attendance: Electronic attendance systems can be seen in many places nowadays.  There are three types of attendance systems.  The old-fashioned way is to swipe the card or show the card.  The current thumb reader and some places read fingerprints, while the retina scanner scans the retina of the eye to take attendance.  As time goes by, technology has to be embraced, technology helps in development.

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